By Dcbritboy
United States
A friend gave me a plumeria cutting a while back. It started as one stalk, grew a second, and then a bunch of leaves and seemed to be doing well. Then is started dropping all its leaves and is just the stalks.
I it not very big, maybe 18" tops. Thoughts?
18 Dec, 2015
They come from Mexico, originally, where they are adapted to lose their leaves during the winter dry season. Short days and cool nights trigger the leaf loss--which doesn't often happen in their adopted homes in Hawaii and Indonesia. On the bright side, a proper dormancy stimulates a heavier bloom once they wake up in spring!
19 Dec, 2015
Thank you for the responses. I did ask my friend and she also said similar (or at least she thought she remembered hers did the same when it was little). I will look forward to the spring.
20 Dec, 2015
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I had one that did the same thing; but it started growth in the spring. If your friend doesn't have the same thing happening, it may be situated in a place it doesn't like. Mine came from Hawaii, so that should say something about what they do like.
18 Dec, 2015