By Alanturk
Wiltshire, United Kingdom
This cyclamen is growing in a pot on my kitchen windowsill, alongside several others that look perfectly happy and normal. It was hard to get a good angle for the photo, but it is intended to show a bloom, a bud and a leaf all growing from one stem. (The bloom and leaves in the background have grown in the normal way.) There have been a few similar oddities on this plant. The stems all droop over the edge of the pot, but the other plants all grow more or less straight upwards. Is this just a curiosity, or is it to be expected of certain types of cyclamen?
- 20 Dec, 2015
Aren't they micro-propagated?
20 Dec, 2015
I get this happening from time to time on my cyclamen too. its nothing to worry about. Its just one of those genetic gliches that happen from time to time.
20 Dec, 2015
I have taken a couple of photos of the complete plant, as requested, but after my initial query I don't seem to have an option of adding them to this reply. If someone can tell me how it is done, I will gladly do it! All I can see is a button marked "Add comment", which I am about to hit ...
22 Dec, 2015
You 'should' be able to edit your original question to add the images, if not simply create a new question with the two photos and refer back to this question.
22 Dec, 2015
Thanks. I've put the new pictures on my original post, where the system seems to have removed the original picture! The new ones are taken from opposite sides. The subject of my original photo is on the right of the top picture and on the left of the other. Front left of the first is another stem with a leaf and a flower bud that seems to have died. I'm not at all anxious about it (in case anyone was wondering), just interested. I don't envisage an army of mutant cyclamen marching across the country, ravaging and destroying as they go!!
22 Dec, 2015
I think just a genetic mutation due to the way the plant was propagated, Alan. Nothing to worry about particularly (appart from the two quid that you spent) but the growers would be worried if a whole greenhouse-full turned out like this!
23 Dec, 2015
I suspect that it is an oddity, Alan, but I would like to see a picture of the whole plant, please. These florists cyclamen are mass produced by moder techniques in Holland (even though some supermarkets may list them as 'British'). This summer I repotted a few that we bought a couple of years ago and found that several 'buds' had been grafted onto one corm to give a nice bulky plant! I don't know how this was done so I am guessing at some of the terms in the last sentence.
20 Dec, 2015