By Bertiefox
Maine et Loire,
Koelreuteria paniculata or Chinese Golden Rain tree. I have several specimens of this started from seed seven years ago. They are now about ten or twelve feet high but have shown no sign of flowering. Does anybody who has one know at what age they are likely to start flowering?
31 Jul, 2010
Thanks for the answer; I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer. Some of my malus baccata started to flower and fruit this year, so I'd become a bit optimistic.
Growing trees from seed is a great idea but I think you need to be a bit younger than I am to be sure you will see all of them flower and fruit.
1 Aug, 2010
Previous question
Here in the desert, they usually take 7-10 years from seed, so I suspect that you have some time, Bertie. It may take a little longer where you are, anyway, since you have a shorter growing season than I do.
31 Jul, 2010