By Brainpicker
United Kingdom
Thanks to those who responded to my quest for a marked garden line. My apologies for omitting the decimal point from 7.5cm.The reason I wanted 3"/7.5cm spacings is because my garden is 40 feet across and I always set 3kg of potatoes to a row regardless of quantity and sometimes that works out to 15" spacings. The answer to the problem suddenly came to me. If for example I have 33 potatoes and plant one at each end of the row that is 32 spaces of 15". I will make and use a divider an inverted V with a bolt and wingnut and set it to 15". I can adjust it for spacings for sweetcorn leeks etc so that I can spread my plants over a complete row as I have plenty of space. Why did I not think of that years ago?
19 Jan, 2016
Sweetcorn is said to grow better in a block than a row.
Glad you have solved your problem.
19 Jan, 2016