By Tugbrethil
United States
I'm having an odd problem with my 'The Pearl' Tuberose in a container. They're trying to bloom, on healthy looking stalks, but the individual flowers appear to dry up before they open. Blooming about 2 months earlier than most years, also. I'm not complaining about that, but I wonder if it's a part of the puzzle. These are new plants this year: I had to remodel my old bed last winter, and I should have tried to store the tubers, instead of replanting them in the winter.
On plant
Polianthes tuberosa
31 Jul, 2010
They were very slow to sprout this spring, too, but we had a slow, cold spring this year. I'm surprised they are blooming this early--they usually wait until September. No signs of pests, not even the usual aphids. Some of them have been opening wider since I posted the question, so I may be making a tempest in a teapot.
4 Aug, 2010
Hee hee, a storm in a teacup is what we'd say!
4 Aug, 2010
Perhaps it is a matter of going back to one of the old standby's ... "firing" of the tips of branches or leaves means water mineral problems...or maybe...cold dryness? too much calcium? or maybe the cold spring weather was a little colder than you realized and the tips got nipped, and the plants slowed their growth thinking it was time to become dormant again! I guess it really is a guessing game at this point...even those of us who garden in less than tropical climes are seeing some strange things happening in our gardens that seem to be related to the odd weather we've been having. Good Luck next season.
10 Aug, 2010
I have my doubts, Lori. In tuberose, the flower stalk apparently doesn't even form until late summer, then blooms immediately, unlike tulips or daffodils. What happened this spring shouldn't be affecting the flowers much now. Oh well, the problem seems to be fixing itself, anyway.
10 Aug, 2010
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I suspect you've answered your own question, Tugbrethil, surely - sounds like the poor things are confused, and this could well be the result of being planted in the winter, as you say - can't think of anything else, unless something's getting at the flowers as they start to open.
4 Aug, 2010