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North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Can anyone please tell me where I can buy rocket seed potatoes now as I have been told that if I plant them in my greenhouse this month then I can have new potatoes at Christmas.



There are several mail order companies that will send you them. Do a search, on Google or where-ever, and I'm sure you will find some. You may have to Email them to find out if they still have any stocks left though!

New potatoes for Christmas dinner is great, I managed some last year and they were sooooo scrummy! Lol

1 Aug, 2010


Many thanks for your reply. I have ordered some from e-bay for myself and also for a friend although I couldn't get rocket seed potatoes I am looking for ward to new potatoes for Christmas dinner.

Thanks again

2 Aug, 2010


Good luck with them Halliwell :~))

2 Aug, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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