By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
Help I have 2klo of seed potatoes for chiting but I only want 10 of them will it best to select big ones or little ones cheers
12 Feb, 2016
Thank you
13 Feb, 2016
Why only 10? Are you going to grow in bags or in the ground and if bags then how many? Are they earlies or maincrop. As Derek says, the books say the size of a large hen's egg. If they are earlies and are going to grow in bags, it doesn't matter if you put 4 or even 5 in a bag. Yes, they might give a crop of smaller potatoes but I find they are more desirable early in the season.
13 Feb, 2016
In bags & I only have room for 10 which whould be best & There main crop.
14 Feb, 2016
The main crop varieties will be the most vigorous and will be so cheap and plentiful in the shops by the time they mature. In future I would go for the early varieties which are greatly appreciated coming straight from your garden to the dinner plate when they are also at a premium price in the shops.
14 Feb, 2016
Hi, I don't grow veg, but years ago the recommended size for seed potatoes was about the size of a large hens egg, you would probably get more information if you search Solanum tuberosum online, Derek.
12 Feb, 2016