By Winky67
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Is it to early to cut my lawn? As the climate is changing would I damage my lawn?
15 Feb, 2016
Hi Winky and welcome to GoY whereabouts are you in the UK it makes a difference as to how we answer your questions.
15 Feb, 2016
Unless you have a golf course or football field to maintain let it grow to develope a good root system and grass blade density as well as to get some energy after coming right out of dormancy. What you did not mention is at the present time, how tall is the grass? This is still February and the rate of growth is minimal.
15 Feb, 2016
Thanks everyone . I live in Birmingham.
15 Feb, 2016
Winky, its fine to cut it in the winter in the UK, even in Birmingham - I used to be out most years in January cutting grass, in the weather window we often got between around the 5th and 10th, though it varied.
However, its now very cold, so its probably best to wait for the weather to ease back a bit - don't cut while the ground is frozen (which it isn't currently, even though its cold), or there's frost on the grass, or its waterlogged.
15 Feb, 2016
Cutting the grass now would not damage the lawn at all. I could understand you wanting a tidy appearance. I checked your weather forecast, except for a few rainy days 17th, 18th & 20th, you are good. Go ahead, cut the grass.
15 Feb, 2016
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My grass is growing too, I haven't really stopped mowing this season. As long as it's not frosted or soggy, it should be fine. Set the mower a bit higher than usual, though.
15 Feb, 2016