By Pamsco
Is there a time when I SHOULDN;T cut a privet hedge?
As the new house has been empty for a month or so the hedge is getting leggy at the front. Is it ok to cut in summer?
1 Aug, 2010
Privet grows at temperatures above 9 degrees centigrade so trim as and when required, this should keep your hedge compact and green. If its straggly it may need more hard clearing? plus a feed and a mulch?
1 Aug, 2010
posted at same time!
1 Aug, 2010
Thank you both. I may sneak round this ;-)
1 Aug, 2010
we did didn't we Drc.
Why 'sneak' Pam?
1 Aug, 2010
Feels a bit odd gardening at a house we don't own yet?
1 Aug, 2010
Ah yes... might be wise to wait until you actually do!
1 Aug, 2010
Only 12 days to go :)
1 Aug, 2010
Good luck with the move and the new garden
1 Aug, 2010
Good luck Pam enjoy your new home and garden.
1 Aug, 2010
Thank you. The anticipation of the garden is the only thing keeping my cheerful through the packing :)
1 Aug, 2010
Yes go ahead and prune Pamsco
1 Aug, 2010