By Tercol
United Kingdom
Planning permissions, thanks to everyone for advice didnt mean to start a huge discussion jusr hedging advice tall evergreen, I know conifers are out but thst type of thing have took some pics hope I can upload them
22 Feb, 2016
That's not a bit what I was imagining, and a lot more flexible. Had you thought of beech? Its not evergreen but when its kept clipped the brown leaves stay on it all winter. It can get pretty wide but you have lots of room for it to spread as it ages.Birds love to hide in it.
I would hesitate to concentrate too much on fast growth as that will mean a lot more work in future years.
As you have lots of space you might consider mixing varieties. Griselinea, eleagnus & holly are bushy dense evergreens, and the first two do grow quite quickly.
Viburnum tinus will flower all winter pruned at the right time. You might pop in one or two winter flowering honeysuckles for fabulous scent (not evergreen though).
Privet is a cheap and reliable option but it needs clipping oftener than once a year and it does suck all the goodness from the soil so avoid if you want to cultivate the ground near it.
22 Feb, 2016
Thank you, first time I have added a photo (have added 4) as you will see the concern is the need for some privacy as the buildings will run the ful1 length of the garden, we have a large storage container so wont be able to plant behind that as there is only 4ft between that and the fence, so have to accept that but in summer the garden is in full sun from early morning so we get full pleasure from it and I hate the feeling of being watched. Glad you liked the pics it has taken us 3 years nearly just my husband and I!
23 Feb, 2016
You've got plenty of room for a nice wide shrub border with some trees in it so you don't need to worry too much about the hedge. As well as evergreens you could have fruit trees, flowering cherries, crab apples, amelanchier, cherry plum - gosh it could be wonderful...
23 Feb, 2016
Well conifers aren't necessarily out - have a look at Thuja plicata, link below
and here
But you will need to trim it annually if its grown as a hedge.
22 Feb, 2016