Dorset, United Kingdom
I have finally managed to keep the slugs off my broad beans using sharp sand all round the bases but I am wondering if too much damage has already been done- see photo attached of the little black bits on the stems which I think is where the flowers should be - the other pic shows what looks like a good bud. Anyone advise if they look like they have pollinated and should start flowering soon? I planted them at the end of October
- 28 Feb, 2016
Agree, its much too early to start worrying. They should get a lot taller than that as soon as the weather improves.
Incidentally they can't have been pollinated before the flowers are open!
29 Feb, 2016
It still has plenty of green healthy looking foliage and looks good. I say give it a chance to recover. We still have the whole season in front of us.
28 Feb, 2016