United Kingdom
I have an orange tree in a pt, which I keep on my landing; and for about 8 years, it has thriven. But this year, it is dropping its leaves, and about three quarters of the twiggy branches are now de-leaved. What do members think I should do about this? If I re-pot, do you think it will perk up again?
13 Mar, 2016
This is difficult to troubleshoot without a photo. Orange trees need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day and are extremely hungry & thirsty plants. Those pots are often a deathtrap for plants as they mature. They are not very forgiving. Is it deprived of sufficient sunlight? water? food?
It could also be an infestation either above or below the surface. Is the bare twiggy growth still green or like dry kindling?
13 Mar, 2016
If its been in the same pot for 8 years, its likely time to pot on, rather than repot - get a bigger pot, that means, adding new ericaceous compost, but you might just inspect the plant thoroughly first, looking for signs of infestation or disease - soft spots, scale, mealybug, rotting areas near the base and so on.
13 Mar, 2016