United Kingdom
Having already grown crinium powellii (slow)in the past growing it against a south facing wall but dry and fairly well drained only later to find out its called the swamp lily and it prefers wet soil to prosper. Anyway i left it where it was and its ok but it does like water. so today i purchased this crinium cintho alfa from taylors the bulb people only to read the label stating "criniums prefer well drained soil" but mentions nothing about liking it wet?

13 Mar, 2016
Usually, the striped Crinums need even more water than C. x powellii, but are less frost hardy. I am, however, less than familiar with C. cintho 'Alpha'. The limited info that I can find indicates that it is relatively hardy for a Crinum, though I can't find much on its water needs.
14 Mar, 2016