By Michellem
United Kingdom
Last year I planted a (white) bleeding heart & it bloomed lovely. So far this year there is absolutely no sign of it. My other bleeding heart that I planted 3yrs ago is sprouting up. Have I lost my white one?
Thanks for any help you can offer
20 Mar, 2016
My pink ones are coming up but the white one comes up a little bit later in my garden and it never grows as big as the pink one :)
20 Mar, 2016
Don't worry, they grow quickly once they start and its better not to come too soon in case we still get a harsh frost.
20 Mar, 2016
My white one is just appearing ,so just be won't be long..
20 Mar, 2016
Give it a couple more weeks, then you'll know for sure. It could just be a "late bloomer."
20 Mar, 2016