By Nellie61
United Kingdom
Regarding my question about "orchids" i posted on the 19th can anyone tell me what variety it is, I did put photos on. thanks for any help!
20 Mar, 2016
Phalaenopsis, or Moth Orchid, Nellie, from memory of the pic... it was a white flowered one...
21 Mar, 2016
thanks bamboo.
21 Mar, 2016
Ah, the question on the 18th! Agree with Bamboo, Nellie, not that she needs it! :)
22 Mar, 2016
Well, its nice anyway, Tug;-))
22 Mar, 2016
Previous question
« Hi I started some squash from seeds They came out nice but now are dying
I'm sorry, Nellie, but where did you put the pictures?
21 Mar, 2016