By Gnarly_gnome
Growing Standard Fuchsias
I would like to grow a few this year any one know of a good variety to start with.
21 Mar, 2016
A semi lax one is a good choice. Avoid Southgate as its too brittle and branches break off in the wind, and best avoid ones with huge showy flowers at least for a first attempt as well.
21 Mar, 2016
If you're going to grow one from your own cuttings, try to choose one with a whorl of 3 leaves, instead of 2 leaves. It may give you a fuller head.
21 Mar, 2016
Try growing small standards for your first attempts possible to grow in one year where a full standard really needs to be grown over a longer period remove side shoots but not leaves until you get to the required stem height then grow on for another three pairs before stopping.
Look for strong upright growing cuttings and keep tied to a cane to keep stem straight pot on when ever roots start to reach the outside of compost and keep well fed.
well worth it and good fun.
Don't worry to much about which cultivar
Royal Velvet
Tennessee Waltz
Just try anything good luck
21 Mar, 2016
Morning all,
Thanks for this I will have a nose around the garden centers and see what I can find.
I do have a fuchsia nursery about 45 mins away but the last two times I bought from them they had whitefly !!
I will do a mini blog you can see how I get on
Royal Velvet looks stunning
24 Mar, 2016
Is that nursery Brynawel ? I've been there many times over the years but they don't seem to have such a good selection now.
If there's any of mine you fancy trying, I'll send you some cuttings later on, if you like.
Actually I think I'll try and grow a standard this year too. I did try a while ago but the cuttings fell and snapped, so I gave up lol
24 Mar, 2016
Hi Hywel
thanks for the offer .... very kind of you as always. I will give you a shout.
I always have problems over wintering them too dry or too wet !!or/and vine weevil !!!!
I remember as a child my mum would dig a mini trench in the veg patch and all the pots would go in on there sides and covered with straw and then covered with soil for the winter and in March she would dig them all up and either just re-pot or if old looking take cuttings once they had sprouted worked a treat.
yes thats the one Brynawel, I think another in Swansea Gower but never been to that one thats about 3o minutes away so not far .....need to look for the address ?
at least I know the sizes if I was to show them lol
Full Standard:
Clear stem not to be less than 30” (762mm) or exceed 42” (1067mm)
Half Standard:
Clear stem not to be less than 18” (457mm) or exceed 30” (762mm)
Quarter Standard:
Clear stem not to be less than 10” (254mm) or exceed 18” (457mm)
Mini Standard:
Clear stem not to be less than 6” (152mm) or exceed 10” (254mm)
Measurement of clear stem is from the compost
24 Mar, 2016
Oh I saw a signpost pointing to that nursery when my OH had to go to the orthoepaedic hospital once. I always remember it because it specifically said it was a fuchsia nursery but it was winter so there was no point going..
24 Mar, 2016
The Gower one is near Penclawdd. He told me he's cutting back a lot this year, but I'll still go and see what's there.
25 Mar, 2016
all bought and look good already
all about 12 inches high , and cutting material as well as they have lots of side shoots that need taking off.
I will start a blog and add few photos see how I get on.
thanks everyone for your input appreciated
Jennifer Anne
Dollar Princess
Spion Kop
Paula Jane
Garden News
29 Mar, 2016
Nice varieties, (although Jennifer Anne is a new one on me)
They should make lovely standards :)
29 Mar, 2016
thanks ....
Jennifer Anne I will take a cutting for you ....
29 Mar, 2016
Thank you. I'll send you some too, when they come.
29 Mar, 2016
That's a lovely one - I thought the only one like that was Celia Smedley, which isn't hardy though i think Hywel has another one as well.. Dollar Princess and Garden News are great choices, really hardy and compact.
29 Mar, 2016
Celia Smedley is hardy in a sheltered spot Sue. It has rather large flowers.
29 Mar, 2016
Well, its just a matter of finding one you like the look of that's produced as a standard or half standard, there's plenty of choice. But bear in mind you'll need to overwinter them indoors or in a greenhouse, even if you plant them in the ground, if you want to ensure they remain as standards. I chose 'Swingtime' for mine when I had one, just cos I liked it, and it was nice seeing the flowers closer to eye level.
21 Mar, 2016