Please identify plants Part II-sorry it wouldnt let me load all pics
By Sstatler
United States
My husband and I have recently rented and have a couple plants we want to confirm as either just shrub/non edible or see what they are? I tried some plant identification apps and it didnt really work for me...and lastly-does the tree look like its something like lemon/orange? is it saveable or should I just pull it and make room for other stuff

25 Mar, 2016
I don't think its lemon balm - pick a leave and crush it and see if it smells strongly aromatic.
The first pic is not orange or lemon. Someone else will probably be able to identify it for you.Looks as though you have lots of mint under the it- be aware that this spreads very vigorously and needs keeping in check.
Whether you dig up and replace anything is totally up to you, as long as your landlord hasn't placed any restrictions on what you do with the garden. Good advice is to leave something of a season and see whether you like what it does.
25 Mar, 2016
The first pic is a Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii). Still checking on the second pic. Can you post a closer one of the leaves of the second plant? Seeing the leaf texture could be helpful.
27 Mar, 2016
That's nothing like by Davidii.
27 Mar, 2016
What are the differences, Arbuthnot?
Alternatives would be Buddleja x weyeriana, or B. madagascarensis.
I guess that it could be a species of Aloysia, too. Sstatler, are the leaves of that one fragrant--or, alternatively, stinky?
As for the second pic, my current favorites are species of Salvia, but I still could use more details about the leaf texture and fragrance to nail it down.
28 Mar, 2016
I tried to delete that last comment but couldn't. I bought a Buddleia Davidii which is nothing like any of the others which surprised me so I looked it up in a book. Mine is a Viburnum Davidii! Obviously wrongly labelled. Sorry for the confusion.
28 Mar, 2016
Ah! It surprises me how rarely the people responsible for labelling plants have enough botanical knowledge to keep from making silly mistakes.
Sstatler, did it have spikes of lavender, pink, or white flowers last summer?
28 Mar, 2016
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Not sure about the first but the second looks like Lemon Balm.
25 Mar, 2016