By Pdb
United Kingdom
I've just sown my sweet peas. Do I need to keep them at a certain temperature in order for them to germinate. I have an unheated greenhouse.
26 Mar, 2016
Thanks SBG. I just love sweet peas and always ponder about which way is the best to display them. I usually end up letting them grow too tall and then struggle to pick the top ones.
26 Mar, 2016
hi if you pinch the tops out when there is at least 2/3 sets of leaves they wont grow as tall plus they bush out more at the bottom.other than that i will sell you a set of ladders haha just joking good luck.
26 Mar, 2016
Good tip kenny as I always have similar problems! Mine are now hardening off outside the greenhouse!
26 Mar, 2016
Ha thanks Kenny. At 5ft 2 inch I need a ladder for a lot of things.
Wow it appears I am way behind with my sowing. I need to get my gardening head in gear as I haven't done any sowing of my usual seeds as yet. It just seems so cold :-(
26 Mar, 2016
No have plenty of time. I always try to get a head start with annuals because our growing season is shorter here. And also because if I didnt sow seed in late Feb. I would probably just cry....the winter is just so long! Lol!
27 Mar, 2016
Youre welcome pdb.
27 Mar, 2016
They will be fine in the greenhouse. I did mine a month ago and they are also in an unheated greenhouse.
26 Mar, 2016