By Sheffield61
United Kingdom
Hi all, sorry but I do not know where else to put the great replies to my privot hedge removal question so I now do so here. I would like to thank everyone for the kind, obviously knowledgeable, replies to my question. I have decided to take the following steps to resolve my problem;
1. Cut the privot, as low to the ground as I can get, to remove all the bush. I got my hands on a chainsaw yesterday to help me with this task.
2. Dig out the privot roots totally for the full length of where the new fence is to be installed.
I did like the idea of drilling and treating the roots, sounds much easier. However I have this nightmare thought of privot bushes somehow growing back AFTER the fences are in place!?
This will certainly be a DIY job, however hard the work. I have had quotes of circa £440, just to remove 45 foot of 3 feet high bushes!
Thanks from John....
27 Mar, 2016
John go back to the original Question, and Answers. If you click on the How do I say thanks? underlined above it will explain the process of using the 'Add comment ' box to join the conversation about your question. Saying thanks is important and letting members know what you have decided to do is always appreciated. Good luck with all the work you are going to have to do. Many years ago we pulled out a hedge which was 10' tall and 8' wide and 120' long. It was worth it.
27 Mar, 2016