United Kingdom
hi there i bought a shrub a dipladenia ,brazilian jasmine . lovely shrub . it says it needs protecting from winter frosts . will mulching do this and if so what is the best thing to use or what else could i do .thanks for any advise alison
2 Aug, 2010
I bought one of these in Lidl this year - it was so cheap it was worth a punt. When I came home I looked it up - it's also known as Mandevillea sanderii and it can't stay outside. I'm going to bring mine into the house for the winter and hope for the best.
This comes from
"Find a window that gets the most sun. Place your plant there. Add more light by using a special fluorescent tube called a grow light or at least use your regular household lights. A shop light suspended above the plant is good.
...keep your plants on the dry side. Not no water, just very low water. It makes sense if you think it through. the light indoors is much less that even a cloudy day outside. A plant in low light slows down and uses very little water and fertilizer.
Even at best you will get those skinny long tendrils of growth. Cut them off just above some solid normal growth. I would not feed at all during its indoor stay. Leave the grow light on for an extra 4 hours per night. Spray off with water when the aphids attack, You may get some dieback of young growth. All you can do is spray with a fungicide and hope for the best.
When the warmer spring days come along put your plants outdoors for a sun bath during the bright times of the day. Be sure to bring it in. After a winter indoors that plant is just like you going to the beach for the first time in the summer."
2 Aug, 2010
hi there thanks for advise guys will pop it in my friends greenhouse over winter and hope it thrives as its very pretty its like a petunia but a climber i have it climbing happily up my wheelchair lift ....
2 Aug, 2010
So long as your friend keeps his/her greenhouse heated it 'should' be okay, if it is a cold greenhouse then I would suggest taking it indoors as Beattie has explained.
2 Aug, 2010
thanks will check she intends to keep it heated all winter if not will find spot for it indoors thanks alison
4 Aug, 2010
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It is a tender perennel so will need to be somewhere frost free in winter.You will need to have in a heated green house or in your house over winter as it does not like the temperature to drop below around 12˚.
2 Aug, 2010