United Kingdom
Can you please suggest a way I can increase the height of my garden gate from 3ft to 6ft cheaply? It's just to cover an unsightly area behind my gate, and can't afford new gate posts etc. Thanks in advance.
3 Apr, 2016
Hi. The gate is made of wood. It's 100cm wide x 100cm tall. The posts are wood and are 103cm tall x 10cm x 10cm. Many thanks.
3 Apr, 2016
Must see a photo of the situation...otherwise the only adequate answer would be a sign on the gate informing those passing by it to look the other way:)
3 Apr, 2016
Without seeing pics of the gate and its construction (front and back), it's hard to suggest what you can do to increase its height safely. Any chance you can upload some for us?
3 Apr, 2016
Quite honestly, a 6ft high gate is going to need much more substantial posts than 4x4 (unless they're secured to brickwork throughout their height.)
The best solution would be to deal with the unsightly area behind the gate.
4 Apr, 2016
Lol Loosetrife...
Just wondering what's on each side of the gate? Is it a wall or a hedge? It must be quite tall and dense or people would be able to see round it even if the gate were higher?
4 Apr, 2016
You would probably get a 6ft gate on one of the free cycle sites if you requested one as about 6 months ago I offered one and 3 people asked for it.
4 Apr, 2016
What is the gate made of? What are the posts made of and how high are they?
3 Apr, 2016