By Judycol
I have a healthy lemon tree in that it grows, produces leaves,but neither flowers nor fruit. I over winter it indoors, taking it out in Spring, but still no flowers. Help please!
3 Apr, 2016
Yes, the more sun it gets in the winter, the more flowers it will get in the spring. The average living room will keep it alive, if it is near a window, but more light will be needed for blooming and fruit--i.e., a big bay window, skylights, or a conservatory or greenhouse.
4 Apr, 2016
welcome to GoY judycol,
how old is the lemon tree? it could be too young. when I grew one from seed it was 5 years before mine flowered and then only sparsely. do you feed it regularly? what sized pot is it in? how much light does it get? these are all factors that may affect when it flowers.
3 Apr, 2016