By Nanwilson
United Kingdom
how and when to repot orchids
4 Apr, 2016
As a general rule, I repot between flower cycles- less stressful on the plant.
4 Apr, 2016
True! In most species root growth accelerates shortly after flowering ends, which helps reduce shock. The methods and media involved can vary quite a bit between the different types, though.
5 Apr, 2016
All true of course
5 Apr, 2016
Nan, if you don't want to get back to us with a picture--as if I had room to talk!--you might want to check out images of different types of orchids, and see which ones match yours in flower shape, leaf shape and arrangement, and the presence or absence of pseudobulbs. Some common types to check out: Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Oncidium, Dendrobium, Cattleya, etc.
6 Apr, 2016
That depends partly on what kind of orchid, Nan. If you don't know, a picture would help us to identify it.
4 Apr, 2016