By Johnjoe
If someone can help it would be appreciated.
Normally I would put chilli seeds or pepper seeds in a small container and dampen compost and cover with cling film and leave in a hot press till they germinate. This year I was going to grow for the first time Lemon Drop Chillies I followed the same procedure as normal. They are in the hot press 4 weeks but no sign of seedlings. Should I give them more time or am I going the wrong way about ?
5 Apr, 2016
Thank you Bathgate, I have been growing chilli & peppers the same way for the last few years very successful in the hot press I keep them there till the seedlings show then I would remove them to a warm lighted room.
As there is no sign of the Lemon Drop chilli I was wondering should I be starting them off some other way. They are Sutton seeds which have a good name for quality seed.
5 Apr, 2016
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« I live in Sacramento C.A , were can I buy a yellow plum tree ?
There are a few thing I've learned about growing chillies. They have a relatively low germination rate, they hate cold they are very slow to germinate and they grow very slowly (compared to my tomatoes). Some are just coming up now that I have sowed about 4 weeks ago. Out of 20 seeds, I only have 4 plants.
You seem to be doing everything right. Are they getting sufficient light? I would give them another week or two. You should see something. Meanwhile, go ahead and start another batch.
5 Apr, 2016