By 1springhall
United Kingdom
Hi new to the garden which was looked after very well until the lady died at 101 years. Moss has grown all over the garden and the lawn is completely taken over. However I am interested in getting the moss out from among the plants as it has grown through them. Csn I use moss killer in these areas without affecting the plants/flowers that are so beautiful?
6 Apr, 2016
Previous question
You don't need to - moss grows in areas where the soil is compacted and heavy, shady and damp in winter (even if not in summer) and hasn't been dug or turned over for a while, including in planted borders. Often a sign of neglect, actually, when found in borders. Take a border fork or full size garden fork and turn the soil over to loosen it, but don't fork deeply close to the planting, just loosen lightly around those by working in the top layer of soil, gently, you don't want to damage any roots - you can lift the loose moss off as you go. You could also add Growmore granules to the soil as you dig - they contain nitrogen and moss does not appreciate nitrogen, but the plants growing in the border will. You'll probably find moss appears again next winter if its a damp one, so you should repeat this process in spring, possibly yearly.
6 Apr, 2016