By Nikpannu
United Kingdom
We have just finished building a house and are now looking to grow some grass in our garden using seed. As far as I can tell the rotavator has mixed some subsoil with topsoil and I am now looking to add topsoil in order to grow the grass and achieve the necessary levels. Is it beneficial to use a seed fertilizer on the soil or can I use bone meal to add nutrients to the soil ? so the grass will grow better. I have never had a garden before but I'm looking forward to having a good lawn that my young children can play on. Any advice on soil preparation would be much appreciated.
Thanks Nik
13 Apr, 2016
I've seen another response under your other question that's the same as this that talks about fescues, so a little word about grass seed - in America (where the person who made the comment comes from), they have various seed mixes available. Here, there's a much more limited choice because our growing conditions are different, and given you've got children, I recommend you choose something with shortleaved rye grass, such as a Play lawn or Sports Lawn mix, which will be more hardwearing.
14 Apr, 2016