By Roger
United Kingdom
Can someone tell me what this insect is that has been on my mint plant in the garden for the last 3 days and is it harmful.

2 Aug, 2010
Beautiful iridescence - it's a beetle, think a leaf beetle of some kind, and I've seen them before too.
2 Aug, 2010
It is a green mint beetle (Chrysolina menthastri) - they are specific to mint plants, there is a red one too!
Does no serious damage to the mint plant.
2 Aug, 2010
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I have a lot of these here, i think they're called Shield Bugs but i'm no expert on beetles !
No it's not !!!
I've just looked up Shields and they're not the same, these ones are metallic looking aren't they, with a hard shell ?
2 Aug, 2010