By Jezzwhizz
United Kingdom
I have 2 grape vines in pots over 3 feet deep. The soil level has dropped in the pots around 4 inches from the top. Is it ok to just top the soil up or will that damage the stems on the vines as it would be partly bury them?
16 Apr, 2016
Id put some compost under the gravel though a sthe vines will need feeding.
16 Apr, 2016
oh yes compost 1st , have you used multi purpose compost ? as it tends to shrink , best using a John inns Number 3 soil based compost.
17 Apr, 2016
If in doubt top up with gravel instead looks good and keeps the pests out , as I wished I had as Vine weevil had mine !!
16 Apr, 2016