United Kingdom
Hello Everyone. Can anyone advise me on how to plant a Clematis. Thank you, Kind Regards Marian of Hickling.
19 Apr, 2016
Thank you for reply. there is no name on the wrapping or the plant itself
but it is marked hybrid. This was given to me as a gift that is why I have no information.
19 Apr, 2016
Okay, we'll assume its not a species - its a shame you don't know what it is because they all have different pruning regimes, depending what time of year they flower, but you can at least note when it flowers later on.
Planting - dig a hole at least twice as wide and deep as the plant's rootball (or pot), and at least a foot away from any fence or wall you want it to climb up. If your soil is light and sandy, you might want to add some humus rich material such as good garden compost or composted manure or similar, to help retain moisture. Sprinkle some blood, fish and bone into the hole. Take the plant out if its pot, lay it at angle, preferably with the upper part of the angle towards the wall, and back fill with soil, ensuring you bury 2 -3 inches of the upper stems under the soil. This is done because hybrids frequently suffer from Clematis Wilt - burying stems encourages more roots and more stems, so its more likely to keep going even if it gets Wilt. If the soil is nicely damp already, firm the plant in, water in well and keep watered during dry spells this year, specially in summer. If the soil isnt' already moist, but quite dry, push the soil into place, water thoroughly, then come back and firm the plant in about an hour or so later.
19 Apr, 2016
The base of the clematis should be in shade the rest in sun. Some say that this does not matter but I go by the old saying...head in the sun and feet in the shade.
19 Apr, 2016
Thank you both of you for your kind advice. I shall follow it to the letter.
Kind Regards
Marian of Hickling
20 Apr, 2016
Yep, I'd agree with Loosestrife on that - its usual to either plant something smaller in front of the clematis to shade its roots, otherwise to place stones or something similar if the soil is exposed to full sun.
20 Apr, 2016
...unless you live in Scotland like me and the soil never gets warm! lol.....sorry....being silly again.
20 Apr, 2016
Do you have a name for your clematis? should be one on the label if it's new. I ask because there's a slight difference between planting a species or a hybrid...
19 Apr, 2016