By Kittyfisher
United Kingdom
I have some seeds in a packet with no description ,merely the word spinemill
Anybody any idea?
20 Apr, 2016
From this web site it sounds like a Chinese medicinal herb. The website shows the seeds. You could see if they resemble the ones you have. Can you remember where and when you bought them? I would advise against eating them unless you have specialist knowledge of how and when to use them.
20 Apr, 2016
Spinach Emilia F1 I believe, in case anyone else is ever wanting this answered
9 Apr, 2021
welcome to GOY Weirdybeard [that could be an apt name for my OH !]
that is an excellent suggestion.
9 Apr, 2021
is it printed or hand written?
is it the foil pack? that is usually abbreviated so it may be 2 names combined together.
what do the seeds look like. could you take a photo of the seeds/writing/packet?
sorry about the questions but nothing plant comes up in google search.
20 Apr, 2016