By Holly66
United Kingdom
I have had this plant for 15 years and it has suddenly decided to 'give birth'. Can I make another plant from this 'baby' if so, what do I need to do? Any help gratefully appreciated. Thank you.

21 Apr, 2016
I believe that what Seaburngirl has mentioned is called " air layering". This technique as described can be used to propagate many kinds of plants.
21 Apr, 2016
that's correct Loose strife2. seemed easier to describe it than just give it a name. I've done it on rubber plants in the past.
22 Apr, 2016
Well thanks Seaburngirl, I will give it a try.
22 Apr, 2016
yes you can. as it is close to the soil I'd pack it in damp moss wrapped in plastic to allow it to grow roots. when there are roots then slice it of flush with the stem and pot up.
21 Apr, 2016