By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Dead or alive? This is my cotoneaster cornubia in the photos (upside down as taken with iPad). Was in garden when moved in Nov 2013 but never looked like this in previous winters. It lost its leaves first and then the berries shrivelled and now the bark is peeling. I've cut a few peripheral twigs and they are brittle.
It's on an east facing slight slope but we are on heavy clay and I have a feeling that the excessive rain this winter has done for it. Is all lost?

25 Apr, 2016
It does look beyond saving, sadly, but you never know. My prostrate evergreen Cotoneaster (also on clay) lost all its leaves for the first time ever in the very wet winter, but it's greening up nicely now. Fingers crossed for you.
26 Apr, 2016
I think you might as well remove it - its hard to say what's killed/killing it, might even be fireblight, or a phytophthera infection at the root, but I'd say its definitely a goner, and since its succumbed to some sort of infection, I'd be inclined to get out as many roots as possible, and not replant another Cotoneaster, just in case.
26 Apr, 2016
I also think dead and better off out and burnt if you can. don't plant any related shrubs in the same spot. just in case it is infection.
26 Apr, 2016
Give it another month or two. I agree with Moon growe. It may send up new shoots.
26 Apr, 2016
If you have not found any green in the twigs you have cut off then I'd also say its a deadun, getting it out is the safest option as has already been said......
27 Apr, 2016
Looking at the state of the trunk I'd say that was dead - sorry. However, I'd give it another month to see if it starts to leaf up before I removed.
26 Apr, 2016