By Smonks12345
South yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can you please tell me what plant this is I got it from a car boot sale and it had no name

26 Apr, 2016
I have one of these, they are lovely. I've put mine in a pot, as lovely as the Kerria is I find that they spread too much for me, by their roots.
26 Apr, 2016
Be prepared for your neighbour to complain about it popping up on their side of the fence...
26 Apr, 2016
hi I agree it is kerria japonica. this was id'd for you the other day. did you not find the original responses under your question?
26 Apr, 2016
You asked this question a day or two ago, and had replies. Not sure why you're asking again...?
26 Apr, 2016
I have always found it a nice easy to grow plant never ever heard of any neighbour complain about it nice to have a bit of beauty poking through the fence.
28 Apr, 2016
You are lucky Nite - a friend of mine had trouble, but I can't remember now whether the original plant was hers or her neighbour' wasn't just a bit poking through the fence it was suckering enthusiastically.
28 Apr, 2016
Kerria japonica flore plena
26 Apr, 2016