evergreen flowering plants for a clay soil
By Daljit
United Kingdom
Hello everyone,
Can you recommend evergreen plants for clay soil please. Would like reasonable height (1-1.5 metres) and ones that flower.
29 Apr, 2016
I am not sure what type of soil it is. It is very damp and currently spirea, holly, dark conifer and astilbe's are growing with reasonable success. The area does get some sun some late afternoon.
Thank you for you help
29 Apr, 2016
Sorry, that should have been dwarf conifer
29 Apr, 2016
Knowing where you are helps enormously - whether you're close to the coast or a large body of water, whether you're in the colder regions up north or in the warmer south and south west. Doesn't sound like the garden gets much sun then, if its only late afternoon when you see it there?
29 Apr, 2016
I live in Coventry, in a built up residential area and the area in question only gets sun late afternoon. It is overlooked by trees from the next door garden. There is no body of water nearby.
29 Apr, 2016
You're stuck with shade planting then, more or less, check these out by googling the names, select Images, have a look, then select All and read up about each one
Mahonia aquifolium
Aucuba japonica
Prunus 'Otto Luyken'
Sarcococca varieties
Skimmia varieties
Pieris (needs soil on the acid side)
Camellia (needs soil on the acid side)
Fatsia japonica (might get a bit too large)
Brachyglottis 'Sunshine' (needs some sun)
Japanese acers (acer palmatum varieties)
Lysimachia varieties
Campanula persicifolia and Campanula muralis
Lamium 'White Nancy', Lamium 'Beacon Silver'
Ajuga reptans
Hardy Geraniums such as Geranium 'Wargrave's Pink' (not evergreen)
Lily of the Valley
And a sedge - Carex Evergold.
Some of these do flower but may not be regarded highly for their flowers, more for their shape and foliage. Regarding acidity or alkalinity of the soil, check your neighbour's gardens - if they're growing Pieris or Camellia or, better still, blue hydrangeas in the ground, it'll be on the acid side. If you only ever see pink hydrangeas growing in the ground, the soil will be alkaline - lilacy pink, more or less neutral ph.
29 Apr, 2016
There are giant Hosta which grow to a height of .75 meters if you want to set your height aspirations a little lower. They will do great in the conditions described by you. You can look up the specific plants which are available in the UK on the web. I have a few of these in my garden. Of course they are not evergreen but they will also provide some interest for a long part of the growing season.
29 Apr, 2016
you could also consider many of the hardy evergreen ferns too.
welcome to GoY too :o)
29 Apr, 2016
Hi there.
Not really, as you haven't provided any details:
What type of soil do you have (acid, alkaline, neutral)? Is it dry or damp? What is the aspect (north, south, east, west)? How much sun does the planting site get?
29 Apr, 2016