By Dcbritboy
United States
I recently got this star jasmine (from Costco). I was doing ok in its container, I putting the ground, and after a few days the flowers have wilted. I mulched the ground, and have been watering regularly ( the ground does feel damp). Any thoughts?

11 May, 2016
did you soak the rootball before planting ,no matter how much water you give if it was only damp when it went in it will not absorb the moisture.,if that is the case lift and soak.
11 May, 2016
I am in Los Angeles, so I suppose we are a sort of desert area. I am near to Pasadena. I did not soak the rootball. Should I do that when planting all things going forward?
13 May, 2016
Not exactly a desert area, but middling dry, anyway.
Definitely soak first. First step is always to water the plant thoroughly a few hours before taking it out of the container. It makes it easier to get it out of the pot without damage, and you won't be playing catch up with plant hydration after planting.
15 May, 2016
What part of California are you gardening in, Dcbritboy? If you are gardening in the desert, like I do, you will need to water every day for the first few weeks, a gallon or two at a time. Also, you shouldn't do anything agressive with the roots at this time of year, unless you also prune the foliage, to prevent shock. Coastal gardens are less likely to have problems like this, unless the roots were severely damaged when removing the plant from the container.
11 May, 2016