By Jbarrymac
United Kingdom
My Eucryphia Nymansay is growing on in a sbstantial pot on our terrace. It has produced very little in the way of flowers, and I confess that i am somewhat disappointed. However, just recently a fair fracion of the leaves have turned brown and I am worried about losing the plant altogether.Any ideas out there? I though that Eucryphias are pretty trouble-free?
Comments appreciated.
12 May, 2016
Well yes and no - yours is in a pot, how long's it been in the pot? Although its listed as a shrub in some places, its more of a tree, so it may be its not liking the pot. All require rich soil and don't like to dry out completely, but also need full sun to flower well. They're not fully hardy either, needing a sheltered, sunny position, out of cold winds. The hardiest one is E. glutinosa
12 May, 2016