By Cox
United Kingdom
This attached photo is of a James Grieve apple tree purchased 2 years ago,the central middle branch has died and has been pruned back.Greenery on other branches is sparse,any clues to the growing problem.

17 May, 2016
id certainly say it needs lots more water.
17 May, 2016
Difficult to say but the photograph you have sent looks as though it is being overcrowded by your other shrubs. It also gives the impression that you either have stoney soil or it has been mulched with bark chips. You have nothing to lose so I would prune the whole tree back to an outward-facing bud, give it some feed and make sure it doesn't go short of water. Come late autumn, when the tree becomes dormant, I would move it to a position in the garden with plenty of space and light.
17 May, 2016