United Kingdom
Because of ill health and other things I wasn't able to prune my roses in March as usual.
Would it be best to leave them now or prune them more lightly than usual? They look rather weak as the stems are quite thin.
Many thanks
Shirley Thomas
17 May, 2016
Lack of pruning will not, in itself, cause weak growth. Any growth from the unpruned twigs will be thinner than normal, the flowers from that will be smaller. On the other hand, new canes growing from the base are likely to be thicker than usual, since they can access more of the food that the bush stored last summer. The main problem is that the bush is turning into a thicket that will be hard to care for properly, and be even harder to prune next spring.
21 May, 2016
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If no rose experts answer what I would do at this stage is to cut back the healthy branches a little way to an outward facing bud, and cut the weak or dead growth right back. If this delays flowering a little it won't really matter. Therte's still time to give them a reed with rose food.
17 May, 2016