By Mikegm
United Kingdom
I have recently made a couple of these wooden 'mason' bee homes. Seven of the holes have been 'filled' Watching a bee earlier today...not sure if he would have been a mason bee?

20 May, 2016
Thanks. Cannot remember exactly, I guess the holes are approx 8-10mm. Would they need to be bigger?
20 May, 2016
You know that's a good idea Mike think ill try this tomorrow I take I could google the right sizes etc?
20 May, 2016
between between 2mm and 10mm diameter so yours is fine they also need to be sanded down as well, so no splinters, damages the wings as they go in and out of the tunnel, plus important needs something on the top (mini roof) to keep it dry over winter
(old wood is ideal as it contains no preservatives )
you can do various size of depth they will still use them.
Most people dont realise that they are best being replaced every couple of years so your idea is great as the bought ones ££ after a couple of seasons harbor dead larvae due to fungus/moulds, and the spread of parasites which will affect the new ones the following year using it.
If you get a photo of the bee I will tell you which ones you have
20 May, 2016
Hi Gnarly would it be ok to use a painted post I have a spare black post 6ft by 3"by3" could be cut into section, sorry to hijack your post Mike.
20 May, 2016
Gg if you look closely at my photograph (zoom in if you can) you can just make out a bee...maybe you can make out which type it is?...I will make a roof for it. They were made from an old bit of fence post, and just planed/sanded. I will make a mk11 version. Hopefully bring in solitary bees to help with pollination around garden. I guess they are nesting behind the 'wax filled' holes?
20 May, 2016
Hi Both
sorry can not zoom in .... looking forward to mk11 version
what type of paint ? as you dont want any chemicals that may have seeped in , but would be ideal if over 12 months old and has been left out ? also a sunny spot , but put the holes in at a slight angle and a roof will work a treat I have a beehouse in the greenhouse and they also use the pots on the shelves and burrow through the holes in the bottom to make the cigar shaped nest.... the windows are open all the time now so they come and go as they please.
I have also crammed a pot with bamboo which they like as well..
21 May, 2016
Gg, I will try and take a closeup of the bee(s) so you can maybe identity it...
21 May, 2016
at the ready
21 May, 2016
Just updated original post. The 3 mason bee images are there.
23 May, 2016
you were right the 1st Time
Mason bee is a common name for species of bees in the genus Osmia, of the family Megachilidae.
Great photos
23 May, 2016
what size are the holes and how deep ?
the only thing I would suggest next time you drill go in at a slight angle as it helps the water drain away when it rains
looks great
20 May, 2016