By Coleford
United Kingdom
Does Peach Leaf Curl fungus transmit to other plants from the infected plant?
21 May, 2016
Restricted to stone fruits, so peaches, obviously, almonds, nectarines, occasionally apricots. Not plums or apples or other fruit trees.
21 May, 2016
Waterbourne isn't it Bamboo
Can be transferred by rain?
21 May, 2016
Wet conditions in spring mean high risk to peach trees - you might be interested in this Pamg, its about peach leaf curl but also shows what Wisley does to prevent it in their plants. It's not an attractive solution, but it is a preventative solution
21 May, 2016
Only to peach and other related trees. Other dissimilar plants are ok if the spores land on them.
21 May, 2016