By Leckiep
United Kingdom
I planted potatoes 20 days ago and there is no sign yet of them coming through. I stay in the north of Scotland. Should I be panicking?
21 May, 2016
I was gonna say the same thing. Dig one up to see what's going on.
21 May, 2016
Scotland sounds about right for this time of year as the tv program Beechgrove only planted them out the other week just not warm enough yet ... to get them sprouting
Did they have eyes growing already when you put them i ? and are they in the open ground or potato pots/bags
what variety are they
21 May, 2016
Many thanks. They are Sappo Mira and I planted them in the ground with potato fertiliser prior to chitting. Maybe I'm expecting them too soon. Just impatient as first attempt
21 May, 2016
If you planted them deeply, they're most likely working their way up.
21 May, 2016
at least they wont get a late frost !!
they will be up very soon ....
soil is cold thats what has slowed them down
you still have daffs in flower ? and all depends how sunny the spot they are growing in
21 May, 2016
I certainly wouldn't be expecting potatoes shaws to show in the north of Scotland yet. Our local farmer only planted his potatoes earlier this week.
21 May, 2016
Dig one up to see whether or not you should.
21 May, 2016