Hello friends i need you help to save this tree i inherited this tree in my new house i purchased i don
By Ids381
New York,
United States
Hello friends i need you help to save this tree
i inherited this tree in my new house i purchased
i don;t even know what tree is this and what disease it is suffering with.
Please help
i did spray it with neem oil just to see if it helps.
Adding the link to.all pictures
thanks alot.

23 May, 2016
Thanks I added more pics on this link below
23 May, 2016
Nothing showing on the link, Ids381!
As for the tree, it looks like a peach tree, or maybe an almond, and it looks like it got a bad fungus attack, though exactly which fungus is a question. Have you checked with your local Extension service?
23 May, 2016
Hard to say, this tree took a wallop. Could be black walnut or black cherry. The weather this spring has been cool and damp in the eastern US region which makes many trees susceptible to fungus and bacterial attack. A tree specialist should be called if you want to get a good evaluation and save this tree if it is still possible to do so.
23 May, 2016