Hi, can you identify this plant for me. It was in the garden when I moved in 3 years ago and was about 3 feet high. It is now around 12 feet and has leaves that prickle and small blue flowers that the bees love.
Thanks, Michelle.

25 May, 2016
Hi, Michelle. Think, it's Echium pininana.
25 May, 2016
I agree E pininana. it will probably die after flowering.
25 May, 2016
I wish I could get one to grow like that. I've tried & the frost kills them off or some other disaster befalls. Be sure to keep some of the seedlings to grow on. They will flower in their 2nd year.
25 May, 2016
Oh, thanks so much for your answers. Just looked it up and sadly it will die. However I'm clearing around it so hopefully it will seed and I'll get new plants. I'll let you know how they are doing if I get any.
Thanks again,
25 May, 2016
One of the bigger Buglosses (Echium species), but not too sure which one.
25 May, 2016