By Queenie
United Kingdom
...and again,I have some very pretty polyanthas which are just going over, how do I keep them for next year?
thanks again Qx
26 May, 2016
Ours get the leaves trimmed (quite a few selfseeded in the lawn get mowed) and left in the borders, we like them to seed so wait a while
27 May, 2016
I move some and leave some - depends where they are.
27 May, 2016
Thanks everyone, I have to move them so will take the appropriate advice!
28 May, 2016
Hi,you have a choice, you can either leave them where they are, in which case they will just keep on growing, and probably start flowering in autumn, but not as prolifically as in spring, or you can lift and divide them, then plant them somewhere out of full sun, for the summer, and plant where you want them in autumn, if you do the latter, keep them well watered until they establish, and again when you plant them out, either way you can remove the dead flowers, which will encourage further leaf growth, unless you want them for seed, Derek.
26 May, 2016