By Charnwood
Hi all I'm wondering if iv'e committed a sin as I just lifted
some Daffs that have gone over they've been dead headed for weeks and I needed the pots, my question is have I ruined them for next year I replanted them immediately. Thanks.
28 May, 2016
If you need to remove from your pots before the leaves have gone over in future make sure you keep all the soil around the roots and they should be fine.
28 May, 2016
I always transfer my potted bulbs to the ground after flowering and they nearly always grow and flower again.
Its a good idea to give them a feed while they still have their leaves.
29 May, 2016
humm would love to know your technique Stera. I've done same and just get leaves.
29 May, 2016
Feed them in the pots until the leaves have died down.
29 May, 2016
Also, if they were forced in shallow pots, it may take them an extra year to bloom again, even if they had gone dormant before lifting. Forcing is hard on the bulbs.
30 May, 2016
Did the foliage turn yellow/brown and fall over first? If yes, they're OK. If no, you most likely ruined them. Replanting the bulbs won't make a difference. Uprooting them compromised their ability to take up nutrients/water to conduct photosynthesis and store sufficient energy for next year's blooms. Think about replacing them in the fall.
28 May, 2016