By Pdb
United Kingdom
I received some wild chicory seeds from a gardening mag. Have been growing them in greenhouse and they look like they are ready for planting. But before I do wanted to check that they are not going to become invasive with the seeds. Many thanks.
29 May, 2016
We have it growing in a couple of 'wild' places in Bracknell, but I've never seen more than half a dozen plants in each location, usually less.
29 May, 2016
It's a common roadside weed in the colder areas of the western U.S.--above 1200 m elevation in Arizona. Religious dead-heading should prevent that, though.
30 May, 2016
Ok many thanks for your comments.
31 May, 2016
Previous question
well if you dead head them after flowering that would solve any self seeding. I don't know how fertile the seeds are of this pretty plant.
29 May, 2016