United States
when can this plant be planted?
On plant
Euonymus japonicus
3 Aug, 2010
USDA zone 8 or warmer, plant in the fall, maybe in the spring, also, if in a cool-summer climate, such as the Pacific Northwest. In zone 7, plant in the spring. Colder than zone 7, it will be hard to keep alive through the winter.
4 Aug, 2010
Glad you know about your own zones, Tug! I certainly don't. :-(((
It would make it easier if guests told us where they are.
4 Aug, 2010
There's a fairly good map and key at the following address:
A little blurry at high magnification, but the key will give you an idea about normal winter lows in the zones.
4 Aug, 2010
I think I'll leave it to you....thanks, though!
5 Aug, 2010
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It depends on your climate. If it's very hot and/or dry, then don't. Wait until it's cooler and damper.
3 Aug, 2010