By Tonyl
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, could someone tell me what this is and if it looks like it needs repotting please

5 Jun, 2016
It's a cordyline australis, it might need potting on but can't be sure, every time I rotate my tablet to see it right way up, it turns the photo back to sideways on, so it'll need me to look at it on the PC where I can rotate the pic, which I can't do till later today. I will say, though, if its been in the same pot longer than 2 years, it needs potting on - see if there's roots hanging out the bottom, or turn it out of the pot to see how rootbound it is.
5 Jun, 2016
Cordylines are pretty fast growers so get root-bound quickly. I found I was forever repotting mine, so I got rid of it eventually. Planting it in the ground is really only an option if you're happy for it to grow to full size (up to 30 feet), which I most definitely was not!
5 Jun, 2016
You can always cut it down, best done this time of year - it'll sprout lots of new growth and you may have to remove some,but this plant probably needs potting on either way.
5 Jun, 2016
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« 1st time gardener..i would like hedges round my garden what do i need please
sorry for the sideway photo`s
5 Jun, 2016