By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
This isn't a gardening question but one regarding this site. I was idly looking through my sent messages and decided I'd delete them all. The only option I found was to go through them one by one and click Delete. What was annoying was that as soon as I'd done that GOY took me back to Messages having only deleted one of them. I've been going through deleting one by one, then clicking on Sent to get back to the messages page. It's very laborious and I gave up after a while. There must be a way to delete all of them in one go, surely?
5 Jun, 2016
I have tried asking Shedman to ask the techies and sadly there is no other way. Its madly frustrating and I'm tempted to just leave them all there - I have over 1000 waiting to be deleted - no hope!
5 Jun, 2016
I gave up when I realised they all had to be deleted individually... so they just sit there!
5 Jun, 2016
Okay, so I wasn't alone. I've left the rest of mine too. I almost lost the will to live doing them one at a time.
6 Jun, 2016
Previous question
never tried to be honest. but I can see that would be a pain.
5 Jun, 2016