By Tonyl
United Kingdom
can i move a small rhodedendron bush at this time of year? it hasn`t flowered but has a new flush of leaves.
6 Jun, 2016
You can move it, but its a risk. You need to dig it up so it doesn't notice, by taking enough soil round the rootball that you can't even see the roots, never mind break any, then replant immediately and keep well watered right up unti end of October. Otherwise wait till late autumn.
6 Jun, 2016
Personally I'd wait until late autumn this is just about the worst time of year to move any shrub.
6 Jun, 2016
Thanks everyone
7 Jun, 2016
Not a good idea if its established. If its newly planted you could risk it but even then in this weather it would need a lot of water regularly. Better wait until autumn.
6 Jun, 2016